Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Change of Plans

Well, as you already know, I didn't stick to the plan! I haven't posted on photo ideas for the week as I said I would. I think I will just post pics as I get them. This week, I'm going to try and stick with the theme of Special Effects Photography...we'll see what happens! Until then...

Friday, September 24, 2010

Pic of the Day...

Took this picture as I just wanted to find something to capture with the sky today...the clouds were so nice I couldn't resist...and...well, the flowers just happen to get in the picture too!  ha ha

Desperately wanting to learn how to take those breathtaking pictures of the sky/clouds that you see on the Internet using HDR method...any tips are welcomed!  Thanks in advance...

Learning As I Go...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Off Day...

Well, since Wednesdays are a pretty busy day for me, I'm sure Wednesdays will be an "off day" for me where photography is concerned. I'm going to eat lunch, then go pass out some flyers at Metro Business College (College Day at River City Sunday) and then come back home and study and prepare more for tonight's service!

But...I will be taking the trusty sidekick (T2i) along for the journey, and rest assured that if anything "jumps out" at me, I'll do my best to try and capture the moment!

So, until tomorrow...learn all you can today!!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

One More for the Day...

Just wanted to leave you all with this before the day ended...I love this little girl!!!


The Sound of Music...

I was bored, and this was the result!

~Learning...not to be bored!  ha ha

The Early Bird Gets the Worm...

Well, I wasn't too impressed with this shot...got up early this morning and headed to Cape to try and get a "good" photo of the sunrise this morning, and this is all I came up with.  I DEFINITELY need work on capturing these types of shots...any suggestions are more than welcomed!  
Nonetheless...I suppose I thought it was "blog-worthy" since you are looking at it right now!  lol

~Learning as I go...

Monday, September 20, 2010

Drip Drop (water droplet)

Some set up was involved with this, as I took this photo down in my basement this evening. I ran around trying to get everything I would need while constantly coming back making sure my new friend (the kitty) didn't knock over my tripod or jump in the pan of water I had set out on the table.  
As I prepared to take the picture, with a ziploc baggy filled with water over my head dripping down in the pan filled with water on the table, I was a little nervous.  I thought for sure the bag overhead would drop down and splash water everywhere, or something else would go wrong.  But...the only complications I had was that every 5 shots or so, I had to stop and wipe off the lens of my camera as the water dripping in the pan made a pretty large splash, covering the surface of my lens after only a few seconds.  
But, viewing the final product...it was all worth it!  I was very surprised that this quality image could be produced without a single bit of editing.  Straight from the SD card is how you see it!  

~Learning as I go...